Free Trivia

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Free Sample Trivia Questions & Answers

Sign up below to get your free sample trivia packet now.

We've compiled a selection of questions from our quizzes for you to try out at your trivia event, with the perfect balance of difficulty and mix of categories. Complete the form below to download your free trivia packet.

Your full sample trivia packet includes access to our trivia hosting web app, usually only available with a subscription. It's 100% ad-free and since it's a web app, there's no downloading needed. Our sample now also includes a PowerPoint presentation.

If you have any questions, contact us — we've been hosting and selling trivia since 2005 and are here to help!

*Access to is limited to the sample quiz only. Get full access by subscribing today. Please make sure your email address and Quizmasters account email address are the same. What's

2 General Knowledge rounds
Movie Soundtracks 
"The soundtrack to what 1992 movie is the best-selling film soundtrack of all time?"
A "Big" Round (answers all begin w/ "Big")
"What currently bills itself as 'The Hall of Fame Bubble Gum'?"
🔠 Crossword Round:
Triple A (all contain three A's in word)
"Home to a 'devilish' marsupial."
🖼 Pic Round:
Fitness Trends